It’s Time For Rubio and Kasich to Bow Out

Based on their less-than-stellar performances during this primary season, it’s clear that Senator Rubio and Gov. Kasich need to exit stage left. TODAY! Rubio is now deemed by the GOP electorate to be not ready for prime time. We can all debate the reasons for this until the pyramids erode down to ant hills but it won’t change the obvious fact that Republicans will not give Rubio the nod in this cycle. Maybe he’s too young. Maybe he doesn’t have the requisite gravitas. Maybe his Gang of Eight association is an anchor around his neck. Whatever!! The bottom line: it’s not Marco’s year. He earned zero delegates in the 3/8 primaries. Rubio should now throw whatever little political capital he has left behind Cruz to stop Trump in Florida. Simple. Clear. John Kasich has not won a single state. Not even one. His best finish was a distant second early in the primary process. Hells bells, even Rubio has out-performed Kasich. He has NO shot at the nomination even if he wins Ohio by 95 points. So why is he still running? It looks like Kasich wants the Veep nomination from either Trump or Cruz. That’s his ONLY play.even if there is a “brokered” convention. And getting the Veep nod from Trump is problematic because Kasich is so much the opposite of Trump. It would be a match made in hell. But a Veep slot with Cruz seems viable especially since Kasich never attacked Cruz. A true Conservative running with a moderate Veep is a ticket that would defeat Billary Clinton. – *H. Michael Hervey* Chief Political Officer Conservative Party USA _______________________________________________ Cpo mailing list