Obama’s budget is insane. Higher taxes, double the debt and puts the burden on all Americans. Read the Summary for the facts.
Obama just doesn’t get it
Obama to Congress ” We don’t have a spending problem”
Pat Buchanan is right on Gun Confiscation
Pat Buchanan is right about a revolution if the government tries to confiscate firearms.
http://dailycaller.com/2013/01/06/buchanan-warns-of-revolution-if-government -attempts-to-ban-and-confiscate-firearms-video/
Boehner addresses 113 Congress
John Boehner addresses the 113 Congress. Read his address
Obama will force Christians to comply
The Obama Administration can and will force Christians to comply.
http://cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-administration-we-can-and-will-force-c hristians-act-against-their-faith
Marcus Kohan
Federal Government is arming itself for a Domestic war.
While the Federal Government is forcing “Gun Control”, Look how they are arming themselves.
http://www.naturalnews.com/038485_gun_confiscation_political_cartoon_guns_ar e_bad.html
Feinstein Gun Bill is outragious
Diane Feinstein has introduce a Gun Bill that will require registration, fingerprinting, and photo’s of legal owners.
14 shot 1 killed in Chicago
Chicago has the strictest Gun laws in the Country. Criminals still get them
http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2012/12/26/1-dead-13-wounded-in-christmas-eve-ch ristmas-shootings
GOP folds to Obama
Get ready for the largest tax increase in American history.
http://www.wnd.com/2012/12/largest-tax-increase-in-american-history/?cat_ori g=money
76% of Americans want spending cuts
76% of Americans want to see across the board spending cuts.
http://www.wnd.com/2012/12/76-favor-cutting-spending-across-the-board/?cat_o rig=politics